HypnoBirthing Baby – Wesley

Woman wearing neutral colors lays on a white bed cradling her baby bump

We love getting birth stories from clients! This is a beautiful story from one of Ashley’s HypnoBirthing students. Through all of the unknowns of labor and delivery for a first time parent, this mom describes her birth experience and how relaxing and keeping calm throughout eliminated any room for fear. Wesley Thomas Sarazin was born […]

Podcast Episode #65: Annette’s HypnoBirthing Story

HypnoBirthing Story

Today we talk with a previous HypnoBirthing student, Annette Beitzel, about her personal experience with HypnoBirthing at Gold Coast Doulas.  Although she didn’t use it how she intended, it had an incredible impact on her pregnancy and birth experience.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Kristin:  Welcome to Ask […]

Technology and Mindfulness for New Parents

Technology and mindfulness

Technology is an amazing tool that we use daily for our work and personal lives, but it can also be the thing that drags us down. We need it, we love it, but we hate it. It’s time we take a good look at our data usage and figure out what’s draining us. Why not […]

How ZENBands Became a Part of Pregnancy  


Gold Coast Doulas is pleased to announce a guest blog by Dr. Erin Stair on her headbands that are perfect for listening to HypnoBirthing scripts or childbirth playlists. I use them for listening to podcasts like “Ask the Doulas” with Gold Coast Doulas on Soundcloud and Itunes. Erin is the creator of ZENBands, ZENTones, author […]