Creating a Safe Sleep Space: Sound Machines
Alyssa Veneklase talks with Lisa Tiedt, Building Biologist and owner of Well Abode, about creating health sanctuaries in our homes. You can view this video on YouTube.
Alyssa: All right. Today, I’m here talking to Lisa Tiedt. She’s a Building Biologist, and, as you know, I’m a sleep consultant, so we’ve partnered a few times to talk about how to best create a sleep space, not just for a newborn but for toddlers, as well. So tell us what a Building Biologist is.
Lisa: A Building Biologist is a person that comes into any built environment, which could be a home, an office, a school, and it assesses it for anything that directly impacts the health of the people who live or work within those spaces. So the type of things that we look at are air quality, reducing manmade electromagnetic fields (EMFs), as well as water quality.
Alyssa: Okay. So what do want to talk about today?
Lisa: So for today, what we really want to do is create a sleep sanctuary for you and your family. We have taken a look at three things that are typically in a child’s sleep space that really increases the EMFs in that space. We want to get those as low as possible because those are challenging to the central nervous system, the immune system, the brain, the heart, and all the inner cellular communication because all of those require or rely on frequencies, as well, electrical pulses within the body.
Alyssa: And as we’ve talked about before, sleep is the time when your body kind of regenerates. So if you don’t have a safe space for your body to actually rest and regenerate and rejuvenate, then that’s when all of those disruptions happen because they’re being bombarded by all the things we put in the rooms, right?
Lisa: Yep, that we don’t think about. Sleep is the absolute most critical time for your body to be in homeostasis. So you just want your child’s body to be able to naturally do whatever it’s trying to do in terms of rejuvenation and development.
Alyssa: So a sound machine is one thing that I recommend to every single sleep client.
Lisa: Yes.
Alyssa: So we’re going to talk about different sound machines today, and then she actually has her little handy — what do you call that?
Lisa: It’s a gaussmeter, and it measures AC magnetic fields. And for a sleep space, you want to be anything less than 0.2 milligauss (mG).
Alyssa: Okay. So do you want to get right into it and tell us about —
Lisa: Let’s get right into it.
Alyssa: Okay. I’m going to move this a little bit.
Lisa: So I have an example of a sound machine here that is particularly high in EMFs and specifically AC magnetic fields. So first I’m going to turn on the gaussmeter, and it’s at 0.3mG, which is a really good measurement for a sleep space. Now, this is the Dohm sound machine —
Alyssa: But didn’t you say we want to 0.2 or lower?
Lisa: Yes. So this is kind of coming down here. We’re at about 0.25mG. And there’s other things that are happening within the building that’s affecting the sleep space, too, but we’re just going to focus on the sound machine today.
Alyssa: Okay.
Lisa: So when we turn this on, you will see that the —
Alyssa: Whoa.
Lisa: These Dohm sound machines are particularly high in EMFs. So this one is measuring at about 900, 920. 920 milligauss! And we want to be at 0.2. So the Dohm machines, if you want to create a sleep sanctuary for your child, is not one that I recommend. If you have one of these, I would actually exchange them for a different model. I have two examples here that are really low in EMFs. The first one here is the HoMedics.
Alyssa: Which is, by the one, the one I recommend to everybody.
Lisa: Which is — okay. Great!
Alyssa: Even before speaking with you!
Lisa: Oh, excellent! Excellent. So we’re totally on the same page. I’m going to turn this on. So the milligauss here is 0.15. So this is just a pristine environment for your daughter, and when I turn the HoMedics sound machine off, it does not increase the field at all. So this is one that I recommend, and obviously, there is, you know, different sounds that you can do here. The other one that I recommend is called the LectroFan, and both of these you can get on Amazon. This one has the same effect as the HoMedics brand, which is essentially nothing, in terms of increasing the AC magnetic field. The other thing that I like about this one is you can charge it and — it’s portable. You can take it with you in the stroller or whatever. So these are just a little bit of a different kind of use case. But this is just one example of — with a little bit of information, what you can do to help lower the EMFs within your child’s sleep space and help them help their body develop and rejuvenate as it wants to.
Alyssa: Thank you!
Lisa: Thank you.
To learn more about the health impacts of man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) check out the BioInitiative Report. It has a 19 page Summary for the Public & Charts which is the preeminent summary. The full 1,500-page report authored by an international panel of M.D. and Ph. D. scientists and physicians, analyzes +3,800 scientific, peer reviewed studies showing adverse health hazards of electromagnetic radiation, especially with children. Diseases and disorders include cancer, neurological diseases, respiratory diseases, behavioral disorders i.e. ADD and autism, immune dysfunction, Blood-Brain Barrier permeability, reproductive failure & birth defects, chronic fatigue, insomnia, depression, headaches, muscle/joint pain, chronic inflammation and many more.