Top 5 Tips for Encouraging Baby to Sleep Through the Night

Sleeping baby wearing a white onesie on a white bed

  Kay Vorce, CED-PIC Gold Coast Sleep Consultant If there is one question I get all the time, it’s this one: How can I encourage my baby to sleep through the night while still responding to their needs? First, let’s define what that means. If your baby is sleeping 6-8 hour stretches, that’s considered sleeping […]

2022 Diaper Drive Numbers Are In!

Mountain of diapers for the Gold Coast Doulas Diaper Drive 2022

The final numbers are in for the Gold Coast Doulas LLC diaper drive for Nestlings | Diaper Bank of West Michigan. We collected 11,133 disposable diapers and 97 packs of wipes. These diapers are packed in groups of ten to impact families in need. We are thankful to all of our clients and community members who donated from September 1st to October 2rd during […]