Krista Batdorff

Postpartum & Infant Care Doula
Bed Rest Doula

Krista has spent much of her life with children. She has worked in daycare centers. preschools, as a nanny, and a kindergarten, Y5’s, and first grade teacher. She never imagined doing anything else.

After she had her first child in 1995, she struggled with severe postpartum depression and anxiety. She was embarrassed to tell anyone. If anyone should know how to be a “good” mother, it was she! When her son was three months old and after a scary experience, her husband encouraged her to share her feelings with her midwife. Motherhood wasn’t the happiest time or as fulfilling as she thought it was going to be. Her midwife was very supportive and offered a number of solutions. Her experience with her firstborn became invaluable with her second. Postpartum proved to be a challenging season both times. Because of her experience and compassion for others in similar circumstances, she became a volunteer through MomsBloom. She continued teaching in many different capacities after her children started school.

In 2021, her husband was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Krista stepped back from teaching to be more available to her husband and his dr appointments and treatments. She did however, nanny for two families one day a week. This allowed her to get out of the house and have her heart filled with little people and their families.

In July of 2022, her husband of almost 29 years passed away. After a year’s reflection, the next step became obvious. Her love of little people and the joy she received from the families she helped, helped her decide to pursue a career in the doula world. She is trained and certified as a postpartum and infant care doula through ProDoula.

Krista Batdorff, Bed Rest & Postpartum Doulas, of Gold Coast Doulas poses against a grey backdrop wearing a black blouse.
ProDoula Postpartum & Infant Care Certified Badge


Both Krista and Jade were excellent! We felt Christopher was well cared for and it allowed us some extra sleep!
Susan W.