
Jackie Viscusi

Sleep Consultant

I’m Jackie, a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, parent wellness advocate, and (once sleep-deprived) mother of two littles. Not only do I want to get your baby to sleep on their own, but I want your family to function better as a whole. I believe in being in tune with your baby’s wants and needs, as well as your own. I don’t subscribe to arbitrary times, rules, or schedules. I take an evidence-based, results-driven approach. Consistency is important, but I am also a BIG fan of flexibility. Because life… ya know? FYI: You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re just doing what you have to do in order to survive… but it’s not working anymore. It’s good to reach out for help. I got you.

In addition to working as a marketing professional, I became certified in Family & Pediatric Sleep Consulting and have been mentored by some of the greatest in the business. I am certified through QC Wellness’ Baby Sleep Love and mentored by Family Sleep Institute’s Love Sleep Grow. I now provide sleep management, coaching, and emotional support to parents. I also offer mental health resources to get parents back on track emotionally after recovering from sleep deprivation and/or PMADs (Perinatal Mood Disorders). I have lived in NYC for 6 years, in LA for 5, and am now based in South Florida. I provide help to families remotely all across the country. I am extremely passionate about empowering parents through some of the toughest transitions of life and I absolutely love what I do. I can’t wait to help your family, too!

Jackie Viscusi, Sleep Consultant, of Gold Coast Doulas headshot
IACSC - International Association Of Child Sleep Consultants Black & White Logo
QC Wellness' Baby Sleep Love Logo in Color
Family Sleep Institute Logo in Color


No gimmicks. Nothing I could have learned on the internet. One-on-one guidance on how to get our 8 month to sleep in his own room, in his crib. Sleep schedules, recommendations, the whole nine yards. We were up all hours of the night, several times a night, and quickly losing our minds along the way. Jackie helped get our family back on track- thanks Jackie.
Jimmy D.
After many sleepless nights and a cranky fussy six month old baby, Gold Coast was recommended to me by a friend with similar experiences. I check it out and filled out the online form. Kristen reached out and answered some questions I had. The sticker shock was a concern of mine and I was able to get questions answered from Kristen and Jackie. I really appreciated their clarification as I navigated price verse results. Wellll… let me tell you my family is SO FREAKIN HAPPY we chose Gold Coast and Jackie. With Jackie’s help we were able to create a plan to help my baby sleep and some might say, more importantly, her adults some sleep. 😉 My girl is happier than ever and mom and dad are sleeping through the night as well. We are happy we took a chance and so is our baby!
Jackie literally changed my life. She walked me through why my current situation was not working and how to fix it. Learning how to let go and teach your baby to self-soothe isn't easy. But with her guidance and support, my family was able to finally get the rest it desperately needed. My little one now sleeps through the night!! And so do we. I can't thank her enough.
Crystal F.
I knew it needed to be done, and I wanted it to happen, but to be honest, I knew I couldn’t do it alone. For some reason, this second baby had a hold on me and I was nervous to take the leap into sleep training. Thank goodness I enlisted the help of Jackie. TRULY- I needed the guidance and comfort that she provided. My little one is sleeping through the night- and so am I. Jackie honestly held my hand through it all, giving me science backed info, mom-based empathy, and like a friend, broke down how to teach baby to sleep as efficiently as possible in a way that was fair to him, easy on us, and with as little stress and tears as possible.
Nicholle & Luke H.
Sleep training truly changed our lives. We previously spent an average of 1.5 hours bouncing/deep squatting our daughter to sleep at night. Now we have a routine and she falls asleep in her crib on her own! It’s given us our evenings back! And she’s napping in her crib now too, after only being able to contact nap for months. We are a happier, less exhausted family!
Elly H,
Jackie did an amazing job for us and got Charley sleeping right away. I love how she meet with us before the training and got to know what was going on and asked us questions to get the whole picture before recommending her plan. Before Jackie we literally never slept and were exhausted. Now we are much more rested and everyone is happier in the family!
Nathan C.
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