What is the encapsulator’s job in the placenta encapsulation process?
If you plan on having a hospital birth, make sure your doctor and the nursing staff knows that you want to keep your placenta. Ask them to place the placenta in a clean bag or container (often a white bucket). You will probably want to remind them a few times that you want to keep your placenta, as when things get going and your baby is born, your placenta is not the top priority and can easily be taken as waste. I recommend giving your partner, doula, or other support person this job to make sure it stays in your room so you can focus on loving on your babe.

Please contact your encapsulator to let them know you are in labor. Then update them when you are ready to have them pick it up, or if you are using Jenny, let her know when the placenta is at your home. Just in case your encapsulator can not pick it up right away, plan on bringing a cooler or some kind of clean container (the hospital often is able to provide you with a container to keep it on ice) to place your placenta on ice to help preserve it until it can be picked up brought to your home and placed in your refrigerator. If your encapsulator is unable to pick it up within 2 hours of the birth, it is extremely important to make sure your placenta stays on fresh ice.

If you want your placenta encapsulated using the TCM (steamed) method and have never had lemon or ginger, you will want to make sure that your body reacts well to them. Lemon and Ginger are known to be likely safe during pregnancy so maybe buying some lemon and ginger tea would work and see how your body reacts. Same goes for any other kind of herbs you would like added. If you don’t seem to respond well then maybe the raw dehydrated method would be better for you.

It is your responsibility to inform your encapsulator if you develop a fever in labor, you have any other signs/symptoms of infection during or after birth, your baby develops signs/symptoms of infection, or either of you have a confirmed infection. These are contraindications to encapsulation. It is also a contraindication if your placenta has to go in to pathology as there is no guarantee that the staff will store your placenta correctly or that they won’t add any chemicals to it.

All clients sign a liability waiver for Placenta Encapsulation Services.

What are your sanitation protocols?
Read about the Placenta Preparation Sanitation Protocol.

If I am GBS positive and/or receive antibiotics in labor, can I still encapsulate?
Yes, GBS positive and antibiotics are not contraindications to encapsulation. However, as stated above, it is contraindicated if you or baby develop signs/symptoms of infection during labor, shortly after birth or have a confirmed infection. Some clients decide to have their placenta encapsulated using the steamed method if they are GBS positive, as an extra precaution against the possibility there may be bacteria present on the placenta. They can also do an apple cider vinegar rinse on the placenta as an added precaution as well. You just have to let your encapsulator know if you would like this done (no extra cost). There is much controversy occurring over GBS and encapsulation after a recent article published by the CDC and doctors are advising clients not to encapsulate if GBS positive. Here is a great response to the GBS article that may answer many questions and help you make your own decision.

What kind of capsules do you use?
They use size 00 Vegetable capsules that are made from vegetable cellulose and water.

How many pills will my placenta make?
It really depends on the size of your placenta. They can make anywhere from 90-300 capsules.

Where do you encapsulate my placenta?
Some do the encapsulation process in their own workspace. They use their own equipment and materials. They take the proper precautions and steps to ensure a sanitary environment and make sure that they sanitize all the equipment before and after use. They also use many disposable materials so a lot of the material is only used once and then thrown away. They sanitize with a bleach solution, soap and hot water, and put dishwasher safe items through a run after bleaching.

One encapsulator processes the placenta in the client’s home. The same protocols are used as above.

Do placenta capsules taste bad?
Capsules might have a taste of blood rich meat but if you take and swallow the capsules quickly without letting them sit in your mouth, most people are not bothered too much by the taste. Try taking the capsules with a glass of juice or flavored water to help mask the metallic taste.

What are the instructions once I get my pills?
Store capsules away from moisture, in a cool, dry, dark place. Some people like to save some capsules and put them in the freezer for difficult times in the future. If you would like to do this, take them out of the jar and store them in doubled Ziploc bags in the back of the freezer until you are ready to start taking them again.

Wash hands before and after taking pills. Make sure to let your hands dry before touching the jar or capsules.

Taking capsules with a meal and/or flavored beverage is suggested to avoid any undesirable taste.

Take capsules in morning or early afternoon. Because of the energy benefits, taking them too late at night may result in trouble sleeping.

They suggest taking 2 capsules 2 times per day for the first 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, start slowly weaning yourself and adjust dosage as needed. Some days you might feel you need more than other days. Trust your body and listen to it.

With TCM (Steamed) Method pills, if you get sick or your body is fighting off an infection or virus, stop taking placenta pills until your body is healthy again.

PLEASE NOTE:  The information on this page has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  The services offered are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose or treat any condition.  Families who choose to utilize the services on this page take full responsibility for using the remedies at their own risk.