December 2015

pelvic floor

Getting To Know Your Pelvic Floor

We are pleased to present a guest blog by Melissa VanKampen, PTA. Melissa has been working in the field of physical therapy for 18 years with the last 8 focusing on pelvic health in particular. She works for Northern Physical Therapy in Coopersville, MI. though Northern has six locations with several of them offering pelvic health therapy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding YOUR pelvic health please feel free to contact Melissa at melissavankampen at or 616.997.6172.

We have all heard the term “pelvic floor” especially in the last 5 years, everyone from Good Housekeeping to Cosmo has an opinion on what to do with it, what it should look like and what is “normal”. Most women don’t find it an easy subject to address even with friends let alone their health professional. When they do muster the courage to bring it up, they are told it is normal or it is just something they have to live with. So let’s find out what your pelvic floor really is and does for you.

What is your pelvic floor? It is a group of muscles that connect from your tailbone to your pubic bone with many fascial attachments. It has 3 muscle layers that have distinct functions and plays a role in everything you do throughout a day.

The pelvic floor has 3 basic functions:
Organ support: It is the bottom end of the canister that forms your “core” with your diaphragm being the top and the abdominals forming the body of the can. These muscles working together keep your intestines, bladder, and uterus where they should be in your body. Symptoms of heaviness, pressure , aching in your pelvis, or the feeling that something is “falling out” signal that those muscle may not be working as well as they should be.

Continence: If you are leaking urine at times or in places that you don’t want to be, you probably have some form of INcontinence. This is not a normal process of aging or childbirth. You may also experience fecal incontinence. This is often because the muscles are not strong enough to hold against gravity or they may be experiencing another kind of dysfunction. Other signs of dysfunction are the feeling of having to urinate all the time, or not feeling that you empty your bladder when you go.

Sexual appreciation: the ability to experience arousal, intercourse and orgasm. Pain with intercourse is a sign that the pelvic floor muscles may be spasmed or you may have some scar tissue from a surgical procedure.

All of these functions can be affected by diet, lifestyle, childbirth, surgical procedures, hormonal changes, disease processes , or biomechanical dysfunctions. A trained pelvic therapist will go through a thorough history to determine what the cause of your symptoms may be. They will then develop a custom treatment to restore balance back to your body. That is why it is so important to begin a conversation with a health care professional such as your doctor or pelvic health trained physical therapist to address how they can help you with your specific needs. Trust your instincts, you know what is “right” for your body.


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high risk pregnancy

High-Risk Pregnancy Support

Being on bed rest can be challenging. I know this from personal experience, as I was on bed rest for several weeks with preeclampsia during my first pregnancy. I was lucky enough to live above the Electric Cheetah at the time. The staff delivered healthy meals to my door when my husband was at work. They treated me like family. I could have used an antepartum doula back then.

Gold Coast Doulas want women to feel supported and secure during this time in waiting. We offer antepartum doula services in the home and in the hospital. Our trained and experienced doulas can offer the following services: in home childbirth education, sibling care, errands, baby shower planning, nursery set-up, meal preparation, light housekeeping, laundry and more.

We offer practical and emotional support focusing on the needs of the mother and her family! Call today for a free consultation. 616-294-0027

Posted by Kristin Revere




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Is Your Pregnancy Missing Craniosacral Therapy

Gold Coast Doulas asked Kelly Marie O’Brien Pahman to guest blog on the topic of craniosacral therapy. Kelly opened St. Brigid’s Holistic Labor Care in 2009 where she works as a Holistic Doula and in 2014 she added St. Brigid’s Craniosacral Center in order to support clients and their families with Craniosacral therapy. She has enjoyed working on everything from chronic pain , head trauma to the childbearing year. She lives in Grand Rapids MI with her brilliant and kind husband and their 4 year old son.

kelly blog

Several years ago I was pregnant with my son, I was also a doula and had come into a string of exceptionally long labors. I had five births in a row that took days. I found my skills were limited… we had “saved” them from c-sections but this left me shaken. Of the 40 or so births I had attended at the time this felt significant and lead to a turning point in my practice. I went into maternity leave ready to research and find a way to shorten long labors. In my research I found tons on optimal fetal positioning and chiropractic but was specifically drawn to craniosacral therapy. I was eager to learn a gentle and effective method of bodywork that powerfully impacted the childbearing year and beyond. It was then that I began to pursue training with the upledger institute and began seeing the valuable impact it had on the health of women in conception, pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, effective and relaxing therapy. CST is a modality that uses light touch to aid in tissue release and enable the body to come into balance, allowing women and their babies to experience a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy. A session is very much like a massage session but much more gentle and you are fully clothed. Kate McKinnon gives a wonderful description in her video, (Go ahead give it a gander)!

I was excited to incorporate this new tool in my practice. One client in particular, Heather, was on her third pregnancy and suffered pretty severe pubic pain. As a doula pubic pain was always a mystery and in my extensive toolbox I came up at a loss. You can imagine how thrilled I was when after one session I received this text from Heather:

“Still feeling amazing today after the CST! Still standing straight, no issues with hips or pubic bone. My mom even commented that I looked taller and was standing the best she has seen in a long time. I even feel more mentally and emotionally balanced.”

I also noticed shorter labors and other birth workers began sending me their clients in hopes that their breech babies would turn (and they did!).

So how does it work?

During pregnancy CST can bring relief to a myriad of issues for several reasons!

Because of its ability to help your body release tensions and imbalances it invites your body to be in alignment which enables optimal fetal positioning and can alleviate painful pregnancy complications such as migraines, severe pubic pain, low back pain and sciatic pain.

Craniosacral therapy also balances the anatomic nervous system (the part of us that regulates our very basic functions) which causes it to be exceptionally beneficial for anyone dealing with stress, high blood pressure, liver or kidney concerns, nausea or fatigue in pregnancy. I have worked on moms with HELLP syndrome and they have found significant relief. One mother mentioned she didn’t recognize how stressed she was until she became so calm and she likened it to a ‘yoga massage’. All this from a short 20 minute session! My personal experience has been that CST can help stabilize levels in HELLP and prolong the pregnancy to a healthier and more viable place for both the mother and the baby.

Labor and delivery

– What I personally notice in my clients who have received CST is a change in labor pattern, contractions seem to be shorter yet more effective. It is also noted (in Upledger’s handout concerning pregnancy and cst) that while shorter labors are a common benefit of CST it isn’t necessarily the goal. It may be made clear to both the mother and the therapist that a cesarean delivery may be what’s best in that circumstance.

Receiving Care

While it would be ideal to receive treatment throughout your entire pregnancy, many women find exceptional benefit from even one treatment finding a great provider and discussing your goals will help you discern what frequency of visits you desire. You can find a care provider near you by checking out the Upledger website. It would be ideal to find someone who specializes and has training in supporting families during the childbearing year, the level of training a practitioner has received is listed on the Upledger site. If you find someone who offers craniosacral therapy in your area be sure to ask them how they received their training and what their experience is, skillset can vary greatly between providers so make sure you find a credible one who is right for you!

There are virtually no negative side effects and because the therapy is so gentle, the session so enjoyable, and the benefits are so great there is no reason not to set up an appointment today.


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